The clinical proof-of-concet of the jointly at BMO and MLL realized OCTAir-Jet Elastography is being funded as part of the BMBF's DATIpilot innovation…
In the winter semester 2023/24, the courses of the Institute of Biomedical Optics were rated above average by the students of the University of Lübeck…
The lecture "Introduction to Biomedical Optics" by Dr. Norbert Linz has been evaluated with a 1.0 and is one of the most popular courses in the summer…
Das Forschungsprojekt FAIR CHARM verfolgt das Ziel, Erkenntnisse aus der Grundlagenforschung mithilfe von hochauflösender Echtzeit-Bildgebung klinisch…
The image of publication "Continuous spectral zooming for in vivo live 4D-OCT with MHz A-scan rates and long coherence" from Madita Göb, Tom Pfeiffer,…
On 1.12.2021, a new BMBF project began at MLL, which is being worked on jointly by the Schulz-Hildebrandt and Brinkmann working groups: Endoscopic OCT…
Prof. Dr. Reginald Birngruber vom Institut für BMO der UzL und der MLL GmbH spricht zum Thema "Korrektur von Fehlsichtigkeit durch Filler-Injektion in…
Die Altersbedingte Makuladegeneration (AMD) ist als chronische Netzhauterkrankung des Auges die häufigste Erblindungsursache bei älteren Menschen. Die…
At the institute of biomedical Optics the research group of PD Dr Yoko Miura is being actively engaged in basic researches on therapeutic mechanism of…
The lecture "Introduction to Biomedical Optics" by Dr. Norbert Linz was chosen by the students of the University of Lübeck as one of the best lectures…
Jan Philip Kolb erhielt den Pauline & Oswald Lapp Travel Grant für seine Submission zum Thema "Widefield Megahertz (MHz) OCT of diabetic retinopathy "…