Optische Kohärenztomographie (OCT)
Anwendung und Entwicklung von ultraschnellen MHz-OCT-Systemen
Die OCT ist ein nichtinvasives Bildgebungsverfahren, welches man typischerweise nutzt um dreidimensionale Tomogramme mit hoher Auflösung (~10µm) von stark streuendem Gewebe zu erstellen. Durch die Verwendung von eigens entwickelten FDML-Lasern erreichen wir Aufnahmegeschwindigkeiten von mehreren Millionen Tiefenscans pro Sekunde (MHz-OCT). Dies ist um ein bis zwei Größenordnungen schneller als derzeitige kommerzielle Systeme.
Diese hohen Geschwindigkeiten sind in vielen klinischen Bereichen (z.B. ophthalmisches und intravaskuläres OCT) nützlich, da sie die Aufnahmedauer verringern und helfen Bewegungsartefakte zu vermeiden. Die hohe Geschwindigkeit ermöglicht aber auch einen Zugang zur Phase des detektierten Lichts und damit neue numerische Methoden zur Bildverbesserung und Kontrastgebung in der Swept-Source-OCT.
Unsere Arbeitsgruppe forscht im Bereich der OCT an neuen Technologien und zeigt mögliche Anwendungsgebiete auf.
- MHz-OCT - Ultraschnelle OCT-Bildgebung mit mehreren millionen Tiefenschnitten pro Sekunde
- LARA-OCT - Großflächige OCT-Bildgebung von Haut mittel Roboter unterstützer MHz-OCT
- VR-OCT - Echtzeit Berechnung und Visualisierung ganzer OCT-Volumen in einer virtuellen Umgebung
- Augen OCT - Anwendung der MHz-OCT am Auge zur Darstellung der Netzhaut oder des Augenvordergrunds
- Phasensensitive OCT - Erweiterung des Informationsgehalts einer OCT-Aufnahme durch hinzufügen eines Phasenkontrastes
- Multispektrale OCT - Kombination aus RGB- und OCT-Aufnahmen zur verbesserten Darstellung morphologischer Strukturen
zugehörige Publikationen
1060nm FDML laser with centimeter coherence length and 1.67 MHz sweep rate for full eye length and retinal ultra-widefield OCT, in Optical Coherence Imaging Techniques and Imaging in Scattering Media II , Maciej Wojtkowski and Stephen A. Boppart and Wang-Yuhl Oh, Eds. SPIE, 082017. pp. 104160J.
DOI: | 10.1117/12.2286854 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @inproceedings{10.1117/12.2286854, author = {Jan Philip Kolb and Julian Klee and Tom Pfeiffer and Robert Huber}, title = {{1060nm FDML laser with centimeter coherence length and 1.67 MHz sweep rate for full eye length and retinal ultra-widefield OCT}}, volume = {10416}, booktitle = {Optical Coherence Imaging Techniques and Imaging in Scattering Media II}, editor = {Maciej Wojtkowski and Stephen A. Boppart and Wang-Yuhl Oh}, organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, publisher = {SPIE}, pages = {104160J}, abstract = {We present a new design of a 1060nm Fourier Domain Mode Locked-Laser (FDML-Laser) that combines 1.67 MHz A-scan rate with a centimeter scale coherence length. The extended coherence length is achieved by synchronizing the cavity roundtrip time over the 75 nm sweep with a relative accuracy of 10<sup>-7</sup>. We will show that this requires careful combination of multiple fiber types in the cavity with a gradient heated chirped Fiber Bragg grating.}, keywords = {optical coherence tomograhy, OCT, tunable laser, Fourier domain mode locking, FDML, MHz OCT}, year = {2017}, doi = {10.1117/12.2286854}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2286854} } |
INTRAPAPILLARY PROLIFERATION IN OPTIC DISK PITS: Clinical Findings and Time-Related Changes, Retina , vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 906-914, 05 2017.
DOI: | 10.1097/iae.0000000000001260 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @article{Maertz2017, author = {Maertz, J. and Mohler, K. J. and Kolb, J. P. and Klein, T. and Neubauer, A. and Kampik, A. and Priglinger, S. and Wieser, W. and Huber, R. and Wolf, A.}, title = {INTRAPAPILLARY PROLIFERATION IN OPTIC DISK PITS: Clinical Findings and Time-Related Changes}, journal = {Retina}, volume = {37}, number = {5}, pages = {906-914}, DOI = {10.1097/iae.0000000000001260}, year = {2017}, keywords = {AG-Huber_OCT}, type = {Journal Article} } |
Feature tracking for automated volume of interest stabilization on 4D-OCT images, in Medical Imaging 2017: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling , Robert J. Webster III and Baowei Fei, Eds. SPIE, 032017. pp. 101350W.
DOI: | 10.1117/12.2255090 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @inproceedings{10.1117/12.2255090, author = {Max-Heinrich Laves and Andreas Schoob and L{\"u}der A. Kahrs and Tom Pfeiffer and Robert Huber and Tobias Ortmaier}, title = {{Feature tracking for automated volume of interest stabilization on 4D-OCT images}}, volume = {10135}, booktitle = {Medical Imaging 2017: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling}, editor = {Robert J. Webster III and Baowei Fei}, organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, publisher = {SPIE}, pages = {101350W}, abstract = {A common representation of volumetric medical image data is the triplanar view (TV), in which the surgeon manually selects slices showing the anatomical structure of interest. In addition to common medical imaging such as MRI or computed tomography, recent advances in the field of optical coherence tomography (OCT) have enabled live processing and volumetric rendering of four-dimensional images of the human body. Due to the region of interest undergoing motion, it is challenging for the surgeon to simultaneously keep track of an object by continuously adjusting the TV to desired slices. To select these slices in subsequent frames automatically, it is necessary to track movements of the volume of interest (VOI). This has not been addressed with respect to 4DOCT images yet. Therefore, this paper evaluates motion tracking by applying state-of-the-art tracking schemes on maximum intensity projections (MIP) of 4D-OCT images. Estimated VOI location is used to conveniently show corresponding slices and to improve the MIPs by calculating thin-slab MIPs. Tracking performances are evaluated on an in-vivo sequence of human skin, captured at 26 volumes per second. Among investigated tracking schemes, our recently presented tracking scheme for soft tissue motion provides highest accuracy with an error of under 2.2 voxels for the first 80 volumes. Object tracking on 4D-OCT images enables its use for sub-epithelial tracking of microvessels for image-guidance.}, keywords = {4D imaging, maximum intensity projection, optical coherence tomography, feature tracking}, year = {2017}, doi = {10.1117/12.2255090}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2255090} } |
Short pulse laser induced thermo-elastic deformation imaging, in Optical Interactions with Tissue and Cells XXVIII , E. Duco Jansen and Hope Thomas Beier, Eds. SPIE, 022017. pp. 100620C.
DOI: | 10.1117/12.2251502 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @inproceedings{10.1117/12.2251502, author = {Tianshi Wang and Tom Pfeiffer and Min Wu and Wolfgang Wieser and Wolfgang Draxinger and Antonius F. W. van der Steen and Robert Huber and Gijs van Soest}, title = {{Short pulse laser induced thermo-elastic deformation imaging}}, volume = {10062}, booktitle = {Optical Interactions with Tissue and Cells XXVIII}, editor = {E. Duco Jansen and Hope Thomas Beier}, organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, publisher = {SPIE}, pages = {100620C}, abstract = {Absorption of nanosecond laser pulses induces rapid thermo-elastic deformation in tissue, i.e. a sub-micrometer scale displacement happens within a couple of microseconds. In this study, we initially investigate the depth-resolved deformation using a 1.5 MHz phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography (OCT) system. Functional images can be reconstructed based on the detected deformation, which enables a new imaging modality called thermo-elastic deformation imaging (TDI). Our results show that the associated displacement is related to the optical absorption of the short laser pulses. The TDI images can provide tissue type information in addition to the conventional OCT images.}, keywords = {thermal-elastic deformation, optical coherence tomography}, year = {2017}, doi = {10.1117/12.2251502}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2251502} } |
High-speed OCT light sources and systems [Invited], Biomed. Opt. Express , vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 828-859, 02 2017. Optica Publishing Group.
DOI: | 10.1364/BOE.8.000828 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @article{Klein:17, author = {Thomas Klein and Robert Huber}, journal = {Biomed. Opt. Express}, keywords = {Imaging systems; Optical coherence tomography; Lasers and laser optics; Lasers, tunable; Optical coherence tomography; Full field optical coherence tomography; High speed imaging; Image quality; Imaging systems; Light wavelength; X ray imaging}, number = {2}, pages = {828--859}, publisher = {Optica Publishing Group}, title = {High-speed OCT light sources and systems \[Invited\]}, volume = {8}, month = {Feb}, year = {2017}, url = {https://opg.optica.org/boe/abstract.cfm?URI=boe-8-2-828}, doi = {10.1364/BOE.8.000828}, abstract = {Imaging speed is one of the most important parameters that define the performance of optical coherence tomography (OCT) systems. During the last two decades, OCT speed has increased by over three orders of magnitude. New developments in wavelength-swept lasers have repeatedly been crucial for this development. In this review, we discuss the historical evolution and current state of the art of high-speed OCT systems, with focus on wavelength swept light sources and swept source OCT systems.}, } |
Analysis of FDML lasers with meter range coherence, in Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XXI , James G. Fujimoto and Joseph A. Izatt and Valery V. Tuchin, Eds. SPIE, 2017. pp. 100531T.
DOI: | 10.1117/12.2254792 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @inproceedings{10.1117/12.2254792, author = {Tom Pfeiffer and Wolfgang Draxinger and Wolfgang Wieser and Thomas Klein and Markus Petermann and Robert Huber}, title = {{Analysis of FDML lasers with meter range coherence}}, volume = {10053}, booktitle = {Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XXI}, editor = {James G. Fujimoto and Joseph A. Izatt and Valery V. Tuchin}, organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, publisher = {SPIE}, pages = {100531T}, abstract = {FDML lasers provide sweep rates in the MHz range at wide optical bandwidths, making them ideal sources for high speed OCT. Recently, at lower speed, ultralong-range swept-source OCT has been demonstrated using a tunable vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) and also using a Vernier-tunable laser. These sources provide relatively high sweep rates and meter range coherence lengths. In order to achieve similar coherence, we developed an extremely well dispersion compensated Fourier Domain Mode Locked (FDML) laser, running at 3.2 MHz sweep rate and 120 nm spectral bandwidth. We demonstrate that this laser offers meter range coherence and enables volumetric long range OCT of moving objects.}, keywords = {Optical coherence tomography, OCT, tunable laser, Fourier domain mode locking, FDML, MHz OCT}, year = {2017}, doi = {10.1117/12.2254792}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2254792} } |
Heartbeat OCT and Motion-Free 3D In Vivo Coronary Artery Microscopy, JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging , vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 622-623, 2016.
DOI: | 10.1016/j.jcmg.2015.08.010 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @article{WANG2016622, title = {Heartbeat OCT and Motion-Free 3D In Vivo Coronary Artery Microscopy}, journal = {JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging}, volume = {9}, number = {5}, pages = {622-623}, year = {2016}, issn = {1936-878X}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcmg.2015.08.010}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1936878X15006713}, author = {Tianshi Wang and Tom Pfeiffer and Evelyn Regar and Wolfgang Wieser and Heleen {van Beusekom} and Charles T. Lancee and Geert Springeling and Ilona Krabbendam-Peters and Antonius F.W. {van der Steen} and Robert Huber and Gijs {van Soest}} } |
Megahertz FDML laser with up to 143nm sweep range for ultrahigh resolution OCT at 1050nm, in Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XX , Joseph A. Izatt and James G. Fujimoto and Valery V. Tuchin, Eds. SPIE, 2016. pp. 969703.
DOI: | 10.1117/12.2214758 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @inproceedings{10.1117/12.2214758, author = {Jan Philip Kolb and Thomas Klein and Matthias Eibl and Tom Pfeiffer and Wolfgang Wieser and Robert Huber}, title = {{Megahertz FDML laser with up to 143nm sweep range for ultrahigh resolution OCT at 1050nm}}, volume = {9697}, booktitle = {Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XX}, editor = {Joseph A. Izatt and James G. Fujimoto and Valery V. Tuchin}, organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, publisher = {SPIE}, pages = {969703}, abstract = {We present a new design of a Fourier Domain Mode Locked laser (FDML laser), which provides a new record in sweep range at ~1μm center wavelength: At the fundamental sweep rate of 2x417 kHz we reach 143nm bandwidth and 120nm with 4x buffering at 1.67MHz sweep rate. The latter configuration of our system is characterized: The FWHM of the point spread function (PSF) of a mirror is 5.6μm (in tissue). Human in vivo retinal imaging is performed with the MHz laser showing more details in vascular structures. Here we could measure an axial resolution of 6.0μm by determining the FWHM of specular reflex in the image. Additionally, challenges related to such a high sweep bandwidth such as water absorption are investigated.}, keywords = {Optical coherence tomography, OCT, tunable laser, Fourier domain mode locking, FDML, MHz OCT}, year = {2016}, doi = {10.1117/12.2214758}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2214758} } |
Heartbeat OCT: in vivo intravascular megahertz-optical coherence tomography, Biomed. Opt. Express , vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 5021-5032, Dez. 2015. Optica Publishing Group.
DOI: | 10.1364/BOE.6.005021 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @article{Wang:15, author = {Tianshi Wang and Tom Pfeiffer and Evelyn Regar and Wolfgang Wieser and Heleen van Beusekom and Charles T. Lancee and Geert Springeling and Ilona Krabbendam and Antonius F.W. van der Steen and Robert Huber and Gijs van Soest}, journal = {Biomed. Opt. Express}, keywords = {Fiber optics imaging; Three-dimensional image acquisition; Medical optics instrumentation; Scanners; Endoscopic imaging; Medical and biological imaging; Optical coherence tomography; Image quality; Image registration; Imaging techniques; Laser modes; Mode locking; Optical coherence tomography}, number = {12}, pages = {5021--5032}, publisher = {Optica Publishing Group}, title = {Heartbeat OCT: in vivo intravascular megahertz-optical coherence tomography}, volume = {6}, month = {Dec}, year = {2015}, url = {https://opg.optica.org/boe/abstract.cfm?URI=boe-6-12-5021}, doi = {10.1364/BOE.6.005021}, abstract = {Cardiac motion artifacts, non-uniform rotational distortion and undersampling affect the image quality and the diagnostic impact of intravascular optical coherence tomography (IV-OCT). In this study we demonstrate how these limitations of IV-OCT can be addressed by using an imaging system that we called \&\#x201C;Heartbeat OCT\&\#x201D;, combining a fast Fourier Domain Mode Locked laser, fast pullback, and a micromotor actuated catheter, designed to examine a coronary vessel in less than one cardiac cycle. We acquired in vivo data sets of two coronary arteries in a porcine heart with both Heartbeat OCT, working at 2.88 MHz A-line rate, 4000 frames/s and 100 mm/s pullback speed, and with a commercial system. The in vivo results show that Heartbeat OCT provides faithfully rendered, motion-artifact free, fully sampled vessel wall architecture, unlike the conventional IV-OCT data. We present the Heartbeat OCT system in full technical detail and discuss the steps needed for clinical translation of the technology.}, } |
Combined 60° Wide-Field Choroidal Thickness Maps and High-Definition En Face Vasculature Visualization Using Swept-Source Megahertz OCT at 1050 nm60° High-Definition MHz-OCT Imaging of the Choroid, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science , vol. 56, no. 11, pp. 6284--6293, Okt. 2015.
DOI: | 10.1167/iovs.15-16670 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @article{10.1167/iovs.15-16670, author = {Mohler, Kathrin J. and Draxinger, Wolfgang and Klein, Thomas and Kolb, Jan Philip and Wieser, Wolfgang and Haritoglou, Christos and Kampik, Anselm and Fujimoto, James G. and Neubauer, Aljoscha S. and Huber, Robert and Wolf, Armin}, title = "{Combined 60° Wide-Field Choroidal Thickness Maps and High-Definition En Face Vasculature Visualization Using Swept-Source Megahertz OCT at 1050 nm}", journal = {Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science}, volume = {56}, number = {11}, pages = {6284-6293}, year = {2015}, month = {10}, abstract = "{ To demonstrate ultrahigh-speed swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) at 1.68 million A-scans/s for choroidal imaging in normal and diseased eyes over a ∼60° field of view. To investigate and correlate wide-field three-dimensional (3D) choroidal thickness (ChT) and vascular patterns using ChT maps and coregistered high-definition en face images extracted from a single densely sampled Megahertz-OCT (MHz-OCT) dataset. High-definition, ∼60° wide-field 3D datasets consisting of 2088 × 1024 A-scans were acquired using a 1.68 MHz prototype SS-OCT system at 1050 nm based on a Fourier-domain mode-locked laser. Nine subjects (nine eyes) with various chorioretinal diseases or without ocular pathology are presented. Coregistered ChT maps, choroidal summation maps, and depth-resolved en face images referenced to either the retinal pigment epithelium or the choroidal–scleral interface were generated using manual segmentation. Wide-field ChT maps showed a large inter- and intraindividual variance in peripheral and central ChT. In only four of the nine eyes, the location with the largest ChT was coincident with the fovea. The anatomy of the large lumen vessels of the outer choroid seems to play a major role in determining the global ChT pattern. Focal ChT changes with large thickness gradients were observed in some eyes. Different ChT and vascular patterns could be visualized over ∼60° in patients for the first time using OCT. Due to focal ChT changes, a high density of thickness measurements may be favorable. High-definition depth-resolved en face images are complementary to cross sections and thickness maps and enhance the interpretation of different ChT patterns. }", issn = {1552-5783}, doi = {10.1167/iovs.15-16670}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1167/iovs.15-16670}, eprint = {https://arvojournals.org/arvo/content\_public/journal/iovs/934564/i1552-5783-56-11-6284.pdf}, } |
Wide-Field Megahertz OCT Imaging of Patients with Diabetic Retinopathy, Journal of Diabetes Research , vol. 2015, pp. 305084, 07 2015. Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
DOI: | 10.1155/2015/305084 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @article{Reznicek2015, author = {Reznicek, Lukas and Kolb, Jan P. and Klein, Thomas and Mohler, Kathrin J. and Wieser, Wolfgang and Huber, Robert and Kernt, Marcus and Märtz, Josef and Neubauer, Aljoscha S.}, title = {Wide-Field Megahertz OCT Imaging of Patients with Diabetic Retinopathy}, journal = {Journal of Diabetes Research}, volume = {2015, Article ID 305084}, pages = {1-5}, DOI = {10.1155/2015/305084}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/305084}, year = {2015}, keywords = {AG-Huber_OCT}, type = {Journal Article} } |
High definition in vivo retinal volumetric video rate OCT at 0.6 Giga-voxels per second, in Optical Coherence Imaging Techniques and Imaging in Scattering Media , Brett E. Bouma and Maciej Wojtkowski, Eds. SPIE, 072015. pp. 95410Z.
DOI: | 10.1117/12.2183768 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @inproceedings{10.1117/12.2183768, author = {Jan Philip Kolb and Thomas Klein and Wolfgang Wieser and Wolfgang Draxinger and Robert Huber}, title = {{High definition in vivo retinal volumetric video rate OCT at 0.6 Giga-voxels per second}}, volume = {9541}, booktitle = {Optical Coherence Imaging Techniques and Imaging in Scattering Media}, editor = {Brett E. Bouma and Maciej Wojtkowski}, organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, publisher = {SPIE}, pages = {95410Z}, abstract = {We present full volumetric high speed OCT imaging of the retina with multiple settings varying in volume size and volume rate. The volume size ranges from 255x255 A-scans to 160x40 A-scans with 450 samples per depth scan with volume rates varying between 20.8 V/s for the largest volumes to 195.2 V/s for the smallest. The system is based on a 1060nm Fourier domain mode locked (FDML) laser with 1.6MHz line rate. Scanning along the fast axis is performed with a 2.7 kHz or 4.3 kHz resonant scanner operated in bidirectional scanning mode, while a standard galvo scanner is used for the slow axis. The performance is analyzed with respect to various potential applications, like intraoperative OCT.}, keywords = {Optical coherence tomography, OCT, tunable laser, Fourier domain mode locking, FDML, MHz-OCT}, year = {2015}, doi = {10.1117/12.2183768}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2183768} } |
Fully automated 1.5 MHz FDML laser with more than 100mW output power at 1310 nm, in Optical Coherence Imaging Techniques and Imaging in Scattering Media , Brett E. Bouma and Maciej Wojtkowski, Eds. SPIE, 072015. pp. 954116.
DOI: | 10.1117/12.2183431 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @inproceedings{10.1117/12.2183431, author = {Wolfgang Wieser and Thomas Klein and Wolfgang Draxinger and Robert Huber}, title = {{Fully automated 1.5 MHz FDML laser with more than 100mW output power at 1310 nm}}, volume = {9541}, booktitle = {Optical Coherence Imaging Techniques and Imaging in Scattering Media}, editor = {Brett E. Bouma and Maciej Wojtkowski}, organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, publisher = {SPIE}, pages = {954116}, abstract = {While FDML lasers with MHz sweep speeds have been presented five years ago, these devices have required manual control for startup and operation. Here, we present a fully self-starting and continuously regulated FDML laser with a sweep rate of 1.5 MHz. The laser operates over a sweep range of 115 nm centered at 1315 nm, and provides very high average output power of more than 100 mW. We characterize the laser performance, roll-off, coherence length and investigate the wavelength and phase stability of the laser output under changing environmental conditions. The high output power allows optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging with an OCT sensitivity of 108 dB at 1.5 MHz.}, keywords = {OCT, optical coherence tomography, swept laser, wavelength-swept laser, fiber laser, MHz-OCT, Fourier-domain mode-locking, FDML}, year = {2015}, doi = {10.1117/12.2183431}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2183431} } |
4-D Real-Time Optical Coherence Tomography, Opt. Photon. News , vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 32-39, 06 2015. Optica Publishing Group.
DOI: | 10.1364/OPN.26.6.000032 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @article{Huber:15, author = {Robert Huber}, journal = {Opt. Photon. News}, keywords = {Image processing; Optical coherence tomography; Lasers, tunable; Medical optics and biotechnology; Optical coherence tomography; Image processing; Imaging techniques; Line scan cameras; Medical imaging; Optical coherence tomography; Three dimensional imaging}, number = {6}, pages = {32--39}, publisher = {Optica Publishing Group}, title = {4-D Real-Time Optical Coherence Tomography}, volume = {26}, month = {Jun}, year = {2015}, url = {https://www.optica-opn.org/abstract.cfm?URI=opn-26-6-32}, doi = {10.1364/OPN.26.6.000032}, abstract = {Advances in OCT techniques, combined with the processing power of moderncomputer hardware, are adding a new dimension---time---to a familiar 3-D imaging method.The result could be new applications in research and the biomedicalclinic.}, } |
Ultra-widefield retinal MHz-OCT imaging with up to 100 degrees viewing angle, Biomed. Opt. Express , vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 1534--1552, 05 2015. Optica Publishing Group.
DOI: | 10.1364/BOE.6.001534 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @article{Kolb:15, author = {Jan Philip Kolb and Thomas Klein and Corinna L. Kufner and Wolfgang Wieser and Aljoscha S. Neubauer and Robert Huber}, journal = {Biomed. Opt. Express}, keywords = {Medical optics instrumentation; Lasers, fiber; Medical and biological imaging; Ophthalmic optics and devices ; Optical coherence tomography; Adaptive optics; Full field optical coherence tomography; Image quality; Imaging techniques; Laser scanning; Three dimensional imaging}, number = {5}, pages = {1534--1552}, publisher = {Optica Publishing Group}, title = {Ultra-widefield retinal MHz-OCT imaging with up to 100 degrees viewing angle}, volume = {6}, month = {May}, year = {2015}, url = {https://opg.optica.org/boe/abstract.cfm?URI=boe-6-5-1534}, doi = {10.1364/BOE.6.001534}, abstract = {We evaluate strategies to maximize the field of view (FOV) of in vivo retinal OCT imaging of human eyes. Three imaging modes are tested: Single volume imaging with 85{\textdegree} FOV as well as with 100{\textdegree} and stitching of five 60{\textdegree} images to a 100{\textdegree} mosaic (measured from the nodal point). We employ a MHz-OCT system based on a 1060nm Fourier domain mode locked (FDML) laser with a depth scan rate of 1.68MHz. The high speed is essential for dense isotropic sampling of the large areas. Challenges caused by the wide FOV are discussed and solutions to most issues are presented. Detailed information on the design and characterization of our sample arm optics is given. We investigate the origin of an angle dependent signal fall-off which we observe towards larger imaging angles. It is present in our 85{\textdegree} and 100{\textdegree} single volume images, but not in the mosaic. Our results suggest that 100{\textdegree} FOV OCT is possible with current swept source OCT technology.}, } |
Flexible A-scan rate MHz OCT: computational downscaling by coherent averaging, in Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XX , Joseph A. Izatt and James G. Fujimoto and Valery V. Tuchin, Eds. SPIE, 042015. pp. 96970S-96970S-5.
DOI: | 10.1117/12.2214788 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @inproceedings{10.1117/12.2214788, author = {Tom Pfeiffer and Wolfgang Wieser and Thomas Klein and Markus Petermann and Jan-Phillip Kolb and Matthias Eibl and Robert Huber}, title = {{Flexible A-scan rate MHz OCT: computational downscaling by coherent averaging}}, volume = {9697}, booktitle = {Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XX}, editor = {Joseph A. Izatt and James G. Fujimoto and Valery V. Tuchin}, organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, publisher = {SPIE}, pages = {96970S}, abstract = {In order to realize fast OCT-systems with adjustable line rate, we investigate averaging of image data from an FDML based MHz-OCT-system. The line rate can be reduced in software and traded in for increased system sensitivity and image quality. We compare coherent and incoherent averaging to effectively scale down the system speed of a 3.2 MHz FDML OCT system to around 100 kHz in postprocessing. We demonstrate that coherent averaging is possible with MHz systems without special interferometer designs or digital phase stabilisation. We show OCT images of a human finger knuckle joint in vivo with very high quality and deep penetration.}, keywords = {Optical coherence tomography, OCT, Fourier domain mode locking, FDML, MHz OCT, averaging, tunable laser}, year = {2016}, doi = {10.1117/12.2214788}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2214788} } |
Full volumetric video rate OCT of the posterior eye with up to 195.2 volumes/s, in Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XIX , James G. Fujimoto and Joseph A. Izatt and Valery V. Tuchin, Eds. SPIE, 032015. pp. 931202.
DOI: | 10.1117/12.2077147 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @inproceedings{10.1117/12.2077147, author = {Jan Philip Kolb and Thomas Klein and Wolfgang Wieser and Wolfgang Draxinger and Robert Huber}, title = {{Full volumetric video rate OCT of the posterior eye with up to 195.2 volumes/s}}, volume = {9312}, booktitle = {Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XIX}, editor = {James G. Fujimoto and Joseph A. Izatt and Valery V. Tuchin}, organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, publisher = {SPIE}, pages = {931202}, abstract = {Full volumetric high speed OCT imaging of the retina with multiple settings varying in volume size and volume rate is presented. The volume size ranges from 255x255 A-scans to 160x40 A-scans with 450 samples per depth scan. The volume rates vary between 20.8 V/s for the largest volumes to 195.2 V/s for the smallest. The system is based on a 1060nm Fourier domain mode locked (FDML) laser with 1.6MHz line rate. Scanning along the fast axis is performed with a 2.7 kHz or 4.3 kHz resonant scanner operated in bidirectional scanning mode, while a standard galvo scanner is used for the slow axis. The performance is analyzed with respect to various potential applications, like intraoperative OCT.}, keywords = {Optical coherence tomography, OCT, tunable laser, Fourier domain mode lockng, FDML, MHz OCT}, year = {2015}, doi = {10.1117/12.2077147}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2077147} } |
Dual parametric compounding approach for speckle reduction in OCT, in Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XIX , James G. Fujimoto and Joseph A. Izatt and Valery V. Tuchin, Eds. SPIE, 032015. pp. 93123G.
DOI: | 10.1117/12.2077659 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @inproceedings{10.1117/12.2077659, author = {Jan Philip Kolb and Philipp Schwarz and Thomas Klein and Wolfgang Wieser and Robert Huber}, title = {{Dual parametric compounding approach for speckle reduction in OCT}}, volume = {9312}, booktitle = {Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XIX}, editor = {James G. Fujimoto and Joseph A. Izatt and Valery V. Tuchin}, organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, publisher = {SPIE}, pages = {93123G}, abstract = {OCT as a coherent imaging technique inherently suffers from speckle. We present a new dual parametric compounding approach to reduce speckle. The approach is to acquire several OCT volumes with different numerical apertures (NAs). Then in post processing, a first spatial compounding step is performed by averaging of adjacent B-frames. In a second step data from the different volume is averaged. Retinal imaging data comparing this idea with standard spatial compounding is presented and analyzed and necessary parameters such as the required variation of the NA and number of different NAs are discussed}, keywords = {Optical coherence tomography, OCT, tunable laser, Fourier domain mode lockng, FDML, MHz OCT}, year = {2015}, doi = {10.1117/12.2077659}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2077659} } |
Optical coherence tomography guided laser cochleostomy: towards the accuracy on tens of micrometer scale, BioMed research international , vol. 2014, pp. 251814, 09 2014. Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
DOI: | 10.1155/2014/251814 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @Article{HU_2014_Zhang_a, Title = {{Optical coherence tomography guided laser cochleostomy: towards the accuracy on tens of micrometer scale}}, Author = {Zhang, Yaokun and Pfeiffer, Tom and Weller, Marcel and Wieser, Wolfgang and Huber, Robert and Raczkowsky, J\"{o}rg and Schipper, J\"{o}rg and W\"{o}rn, Heinz and Klenzner, Thomas}, Journal = {BioMed research international}, Year = {2014}, Month = jan, Pages = {251814--24}, Volume = {2014}, Doi = {10.1155/2014/251814}, ISSN = {2314-6141}, keywords = {AG-Huber_OCT}, Url = {http://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2014/251814/} } |
High definition live 3D-OCT in vivo: design and evalution of 4D-OCT engine with 1 GVoxel/s, Biomed. Opt. Express , vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 2963--77, 09 2014. Optica Publishing Group.
DOI: | 10.1364/BOE.5.002963 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @article{Wieser:14, author = {Wolfgang Wieser and Wolfgang Draxinger and Thomas Klein and Sebastian Karpf and Tom Pfeiffer and Robert Huber}, journal = {Biomed. Opt. Express}, keywords = {Optical coherence tomography; Lasers, tunable; Optical coherence tomography; Endoscopic imaging; Full field optical coherence tomography; Functional imaging; Image quality; Ophthalmic imaging; Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers}, number = {9}, pages = {2963--2977}, publisher = {Optica Publishing Group}, title = {High definition live 3D-OCT in vivo: design and evaluation of a 4D OCT engine with 1 GVoxel/s}, volume = {5}, month = {Sep}, year = {2014}, url = {https://opg.optica.org/boe/abstract.cfm?URI=boe-5-9-2963}, doi = {10.1364/BOE.5.002963}, abstract = {We present a 1300 nm OCT system for volumetric real-time live OCT acquisition and visualization at 1 billion volume elements per second. All technological challenges and problems associated with such high scanning speed are discussed in detail as well as the solutions. In one configuration, the system acquires, processes and visualizes 26 volumes per second where each volume consists of 320 x 320 depth scans and each depth scan has 400 usable pixels. This is the fastest real-time OCT to date in terms of voxel rate. A 51 Hz volume rate is realized with half the frame number. In both configurations the speed can be sustained indefinitely. The OCT system uses a 1310 nm Fourier domain mode locked (FDML) laser operated at 3.2 MHz sweep rate. Data acquisition is performed with two dedicated digitizer cards, each running at 2.5 GS/s, hosted in a single desktop computer. Live real-time data processing and visualization are realized with custom developed software on an NVidia GTX 690 dual graphics processing unit (GPU) card. To evaluate potential future applications of such a system, we present volumetric videos captured at 26 and 51 Hz of planktonic crustaceans and skin.}, } |
Megahertz ultra-wide-field swept-source retina optical coherence tomography compared to current existing imaging devices., Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology , vol. 252, no. 6, pp. 1009-1016, 05 2014.
DOI: | 10.1007/s00417-014-2640-4 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @Article{HU_2014_Reznicek_a, Title = {{Megahertz ultra-wide-field swept-source retina optical coherence tomography compared to current existing imaging devices.}}, Author = {Reznicek, Lukas and Klein, Thomas and Wieser, Wolfgang and Kernt, Marcus and Wolf, Armin and Haritoglou, Christos and Kampik, Anselm and Huber, Robert and Neubauer, Aljoscha S}, Journal = {Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv f\"{u}r klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie}, Year = {2014}, Month = jun, Number = {6}, Pages = {1009--16}, Volume = {252}, Doi = {10.1007/s00417-014-2640-4}, ISSN = {1435-702X}, keywords = {AG-Huber_OCT}, Url = {http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007\%2Fs00417-014-2640-4} } |
Wide Field MHz OCT imaging of the vitreoretinal interface, Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. , vol. 55, no. 13, pp. 1619, 04 2014.
Weblink: | https://iovs.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2266879 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @article{Kortuem2014, author = {Kortuem, Karsten Ulrich and Kolb, Jan Philip and Klein, Thomas and Mohler, Kathrin and Kampik, Anselm and Neubauer, Aljoscha S. and Wieser, Wolfgang and Huber, Robert and Haritoglou, Christos}, title = {Wide Field MHz OCT imaging of the vitreoretinal interface}, journal = {Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science}, volume = {55}, number = {13}, pages = {1619-1619}, abstract = { PurposeTo investigate changes caused by vitreoretinal interface disease with a multi-MHz OCT over a wide field of view of 60°. MethodsWe used custom swept-source OCT device with a 1060nm Fourier-domain mode-locked laser source achieving a line rate of 1.68MHz. Within 1.82s datasets consisting of 2088x1024 A-scans over 60° were acquired from 5 patients with vitreoretinal traction due to VMTS and 3 patients with vascular pathology. The densely sampled three dimensional datasets were investigated in B-Scan cross-sections as well as en-face images and 3D reconstructions. ResultsVitreoretinal traction could be imaged well in most of the cases, although the current sensitivity of the system limited image quality. Across the whole 60° field of view in the OCT datasets vitreoretinal tractions could be topographically assessed, always including the macula and optic disc, where vitreous anchorage could be shown. By means of the depth-scans as part of the 3D OCT volume we could image traction-associated retinal changes such as retinal elevation or RPE detachment. ConclusionsThis unique three dimensional visualization of the retina over 60° field of view with a MHz OCT is feasible in patients with vitreoretinal interface disease and might offer additional clinical insights on the three-dimensional topology of tractional changes. Three dimensional Wide Field MHz OCT retinal and vitreous visualization.}, ISSN = {1552-5783}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/}, year = {2014}, keywords = {AG-Huber_OCT}, type = {Journal Article} } |
Wide-field choroidal thickness and en-face maps of patients created with MHz-OCT, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science , vol. 55, no. 13, pp. 1620, 04 2014.
Weblink: | https://iovs.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2266882 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @article{Klein2014, author = {Klein, Thomas and Draxinger, Wolfgang and Mohler, Kathrin and Kolb, Jan Philip and Wieser, Wolfgang and Kampik, Anselm and Neubauer, Aljoscha S. and Wolf, Armin and Huber, Robert}, title = {Wide-field choroidal thickness and en-face maps of patients created with MHz-OCT}, journal = {Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science}, volume = {55}, number = {13}, pages = {1620-1620}, abstract = { PurposeTo study the feasibility of simultaneous peripheral and central choroidal thickness measurement and en-face visualization in patients with a variety of diseases, using a single high-resolution wide-field MHz-OCT dataset spanning more than 50 degrees field of view. MethodsIn this retrospective study, choroidal morphology of 29 patients imaged with MHz-OCT was assessed. MHz-OCT is a custom SS-OCT operating at 1060nm and an axial line rate of 1.68MHz. The high speed, more than 30 times faster than current commercial devices, enabled a very high resolution scan protocol of 2088x1024 A-scans over a wide field of ~60 degrees. However, due to the very high speed, signal strength is lower compared to slower devices. Hence, thickness and structure maps were only created for selected datasets: The positions of Bruch’s membrane and choroid sclera junction were determined manually by a trained observer a subset of all A-scans, from which thickness and intensity maps were created. ResultsDespite relative low signal strength, the choroid sclera junction could be clearly observed over the entire unshadowed image area in 15 of 29 patients. Apart from shadowing, visibility of this junction shows strong variation even within a single dataset due to varying retinal thickness, eye-blinks, saccades and retinal curvature. Thus, thickness could be evaluated at least in some areas for all 29 patients, especially in the periphery. Moreover, choroidal thickness varied considerably intra- and interindividually. In two patients, abrupt changes of the choroid were observed in the temporal periphery, which may resemble morphology or imaging artifact. In addition to thickness, en-face choroidal structure maps were extracted from the segmented OCT datasets. Visibility of choroidal vasculature in these maps correlates with choroidal thickness. ConclusionsChoroidal thickness and structure in patients could be visualized over large areas for the first time. Due to focal choroidal thickness changes with large thickness gradients, high-density scan protocols may be favorable for OCT-based investigations of the choroid. En-face images of the choroid can be extracted from these high-resolution datasets, but the influence of choroidal thickness on the image information should be taken into account. Choroidal en-face image (top), color-coded thickness map with superimposed structural image (middle) and OCT B-frame (bottom) for two eyes (A,B).}, ISSN = {1552-5783}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/}, year = {2014}, keywords = {AG-Huber_OCT}, type = {Journal Article} } |
Widefield Megahertz (MHz) OCT of diabetic retinopathy, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science , vol. 55, no. 13, pp. 5018, 04 2014.
Weblink: | https://iovs.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2270590 |
Bibtex: | ![]() @article{Kolb2014, author = {Kolb, Jan Philip and Klein, Thomas and Mohler, Kathrin and Wieser, Wolfgang and Reznicek, Lukas and Kernt, Marcus and Kampik, Anselm and Neubauer, Aljoscha S. and Huber, Robert}, title = {Widefield Megahertz (MHz) OCT of diabetic retinopathy}, journal = {Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science}, volume = {55}, number = {13}, pages = {5018-5018}, abstract = { PurposeTo investigate morphological appearance of diabetic retinopathy and laser effects in panretinal laser photocoagulation with a widefield MHz OCT (60° field of view, 120° center angle). MethodsA custom swept-source OCT device with a 1060nm Fourier-domain mode-locked laser source achieving a line rate of 1.68MHz was used to investigate 15 consecutive patients with diabetic retinopathy. Within 1.82s datasets consisting of 2088x1024 A-scans over 60° were acquired. The densely sampled three dimensional datasets were investigated in various B-Scan cross-sections as well as en-face images and 3D reconstructions. Selected findings were compared with SLO images from a widefield SLO (Optos, Dunfermeline, UK). ResultsOn the densely sampled 3D and en-face images, hard exsudates, peripheral laser spots as well as proliferative neovascularization were readily detected. Characteristic structural changes resulting from laser burns could easily be visualized across the whole field of view in the OCT datasets. In addition, depth-scans and B-scans allowed to identify additional structural changes including IS/OS disruption, RPE detachment or neovascularisation reaching into the vitreous across the field of view. ConclusionsThree dimensional visualization of the retina over 60° field of view with a MHz OCT is feasible in patients with diabetic retinopathy. It might allow additional clinical insights in peripheral changes such as laser spots or retinal neovascularisation. 3D reconstruction of OCT dataset of patient with diabetic retinopathy with neovascularization (green), hard exsudates (yellow), epiretinal membrane and peripheral retinal scars after panretinal laser treatment (blue). Indications with arrows are examplatory. Top: En-face of same patient as in figure 1. Red line indicates the position of B-Frame below. Retinal scars due to focal laser coagulation temporal of the fovea visible. Bottom: Neovascularisation (green) reaching into the vitreous is visible on the left side. Retinal scars especially on RPE level due to panretinal laser treatment (blue) are observable.}, ISSN = {1552-5783}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/}, year = {2014}, keywords = {AG-Huber_OCT}, type = {Journal Article} } |
A 4-D OCT Engine with 1 GVoxel/s, Optics and Photonics News , vol. 25, no. 12, pp. 36, 2014. OSA.
Weblink: | https://www.optica-opn.org/home/articles/volume_25/december_2014/extras/a_4-d_oct_engine_with_1_gvoxel_s/#.VcH21Pl5raw |
Bibtex: | ![]() @Article{HU_2014_Wieser_b, Title = {{A 4-D OCT Engine with 1 GVoxel/s}}, Author = {Wieser, Wolfgang and Draxinger, Wolfgang and Klein, Thomas and Karpf, Sebastian and Pfeiffer, Tom and Huber, Robert}, Journal = {Optics and Photonics News}, Year = {2014}, Month = dec, Number = {12}, Pages = {36 }, Volume = {25}, keywords = {AG-Huber_FDML, AG-Huber_OCT}, Publisher = {OSA}, Url = { http://www.osa-opn.org/home/articles/volume_25/december_2014/extras/a_4-d_oct_engine_with_1_gvoxel_s/#.VcH21Pl5raw} } |
Wolfgang Draxinger
AG Huber
Gebäude 81
Raum 72
+49 451 3101 3229
Madita Göb
AG Huber
Gebäude 81
Raum 61
+49 451 3101 3262
Sazgar Burhan
AG Huber
Gebäude 81
Raum 61
+49 451 3101 3263
Simon Lotz
AG Huber
Gebäude 81
Raum 72
+49 451 3101 3231
Marie Klufts
AG Huber
Gebäude 81
Raum 61
+49 451 3101 3264