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Seit der Gründung der Forschungsgruppe um Robert Huber im Jahr 2007 sind zahlreiche Meileinsteine in der Forschung um FDML-Laser, OCT-Bildung oder die nichtlineare Optik gesetzt worden. Darunter sind nicht nur forschungsbezogene Ereignisse sondern auch technologische Sprünge die hier ihre Erwähnung finden sollen.


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James G. Fujimoto, Eric A. Swanson & Robert Huber - Hochauflösende medizinische Bildgebung


Optische Kohärenztomografie

Erste VR-OCT begleitete ex-vivo Operation an einem Schweineauge


OCT video of human retina


The video displays an OCT recording of a human retina. It was recorded at a volume rate of 20.8 V/s and consists of 255x255x450 voxels. Intentional movements of up to 100°/s are resolved.

High definition live 4D-OCT in vivo: Triops


The video was acquired and processed in real time. The OCT system uses a 1310 nm Fourier domain mode locked (FDML) laser operated at 3.2 MHz sweep rate. The acquired data was processed and visualized on a GPU [10.1364/BOE.5.002963].

High definition live 4D-OCT in vivo for surgical guidance


The video was acquired and processed in real time. The OCT system uses a 1310 nm Fourier domain mode locked (FDML) laser operated at 3.2 MHz sweep rate and the data was processed and visualized on a GPU [10.1364/BOE.5.002963].

3D reconstruction of intravascular OCT scan with 3200 fps


A micromotor driven catheter developed in the group of Dr. Gijs van Soest in combination with our 1.6 MHz FDML-OCT surpasses the acquisition speed of state of the art intravascular OCT by more than one order of magnitude [10.1364/OL.38.001715].

Anterior segment imaging with extended coherence length MHz FDML laser


OCT imaging at 60 nm sweep range and 1.6 MHz scan rate. The 3D reconstruction of the whole anterior segment consisting of 1000 x 985 x 560 voxels (frames x depth scans x samples/scan) was acquired in a total time of 0.8 seconds [10.1364/BOE.3.002647].

Anterior segment imaging with extended coherence length MHz FDML laser


The 3D reconstruction of the whole anterior segment consisting of 1000 x 900 x 560 voxels (frames x depth scans x samples/scan) was acquired in a total time of 0.8 seconds [10.1364/BOE.3.002647].

High quality 3D imaging at 20 million A-scans and 4.5 GVoxels per second


This three dimensional dataset was acquired in 25ms. This was accomplished by using a FDML laser with a sweep rate of 5.2 MHz per spot and a 4-spot illumination [10.1364/OE.18.014685].