Conference presentation

 Oral Presentations


  • Aoki S, Miura Y, Terao R, Kitamoto K, Yamafuji D, Aoki N, Totani K, Yamanari M, Sugiyama S, Okamoto M, Azuma K. “Evaluation of retinal pigment epithelial melanin using polarization OCT at the site of irradiation at subthreshold laser power” (Japanese). The 63rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Retina and Vitreous Society. 6-8, Dec. 2024, Osaka, Japan.
  • Miura Y, Päffle C, Puyo L, Spahr H, Hillmann D, Hüttmann G. Optoretinography of the outer and inner retinal layers: Perspectives for clinical applications. XXVI Biennial Meeting of the ISER (International Society of Eye Research), 20-24 Oct. 2024, Buenos Aires, Argentina.  
  • Miura Y, Rauenbusch K, Sonntag, SR, Prasuhn J, Brüggemann N, Grisanti S. Comparison of retinal fluorescence lifetime between patients with Parkinson’s disease and healthy subjects. Euretina Congress 2024, 19-22. Sept. 2024, Barcelona, Spain
  • Ares I, Tode J, Hamann M, Miura Y, Brinkmann R, Framme C, Binter M, Lindziute M, Charsooghi M. Dynamics of Drusen in the ETDRS Grid: A Comprehensive Three-Month Analysis of Movement and Morphology of Drusen in Patients with Intermediate Age-Related Macular Degeneration (iAMD). Audio-Narrated Free Paper, Euretina Congress 2024, 19-22. Sept. 2024, Barcelona, Spain
  • Hamann M, Tode J, Ares I, Framme C, Lindziute M, Miura Y, Brinkmann R, Binter M, Charsooghi M. Unveiling Visual Acuity Sensitivity: A Comparative Analysis of OCT Morphology and Visual Acuity Tests in Intermediate Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Audio-Narrated Free Paper, Euretina Congress 2024, 19-22. Sept. 2024, Barcelona, Spain
  • Tode J, Ares I, Hamann M, Miura Y, Framme C, Brinkmann R, Binter M, Lindziute M, Charsooghi M. Correlation of Objective Visual Function Measurements with Drusen in Patients with Intermediate Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Audio-Narrated Free Paper, Euretina Congress 2024, 19-22. Sept. 2024, Barcelona, Spain
  • Miura Y, Overmeyer F, Vu DN., Sonntag SR. Grisanti S. Korrelation zwischen der antioxidativen Kapazität im Blut und der Fluoreszenzlebensdauer des Augenhintergrundes. Annual conference of German Ophthalmology Society (DOG), Oct. 2024, Berlin.
  • Tohme J, Kreyßig A, Burchak O, Grisanti S, Miura Y. In-depth observation of clinically subvisible retinal laser spots with High-Res OCT. Annual conference of German Ophthalmology Society (DOG), Oct. 2024, Berlin.
  • Miura Y, Rauenbusch K, Prasuhn J, Brüggemann N, Grisanti S, Sonntag SR. A window into the brain: Comparison of retinal fluorescence lifetime between patients with Parkinson’s disease and healthy subjects. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Retinologischen Gesellschaft (Annual meeting of German Retina Society), 28-29 Jun 2024, Essen
  • Miura Y, Tohme J, Enzian P, Brinkmann R. Effects of sublethal hyperthermic laser irradiation on the function of RPE tight junction in vitro. J-SMILE Meeting bei Jap. Ophthalmol. Conference. Apr.2024, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Hüttmann G, Rosenthal A, Pfäffle C, Halowh A.L, Höhl S, Puyo L, Spahr H, Hillmann D, Miura Y. Reproducibility and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of optoretinography (ORG) in healthy subjects. Symposium Functional imaging and optoretinograph, ARVO annual meeting, May 2024, Seattle, USA


  • Miura Y, Pfäffle C, Rosenthal A, Spahr H, Gercke K, Puyo L, Hoehl S, Melenberg D, Hillman D, Hüttman G. Optoretinography with OCT for functional imaging of neural activity in the retina. FujiRetina Conference, March 2023, Tokyo.
  • Miura Y, Sonntag S, Kreikenbohm M, Enzian P, Kemspka J, Bähmerle G, Brinkmann R, Grisanti S. Evaluation of metabolic changes in the retina using fluorescence lifetime. FujiRetina Conference, March 2023, Tokyo.
  • Hüttmann G, Pfäffle C, Rosenthal A, Höhl S, Puyo L, Spahr H, Hillmann D, Miura Y. Reproducibility of Full-Field OCT-based Optoretinography (ORG). ARVO annual meeting, April 2023, New Orleans, USA. (Abstract: Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2023; 64(8):1359)
  • Miura Y. Observation of Posterior Vitreous Microstructure with High-Res OCT. 20th International SPECTRALIS Symposium (ISS). May 2023, Berlin
  • Miura Y. FLIO und KI. 35. Jahrestagung der Retinologischen Gesellschaft. Jun 2023, Würzburg.
  • Miura Y. Fluorescence lifetime imaging of degenerative retinal disease. Sino-Gernab-Symposium. Aug. 2023, Lübeck.
  • Miura Y. Enzian P, Kempska J, Shima K, Kubota N, Sonntag S, Rupp J, Grisanti S, Brinkmann R.  Analyse des zellulären Stoffwechsels von ARPE-19-Zellen mittels Fluoreszenzlebensdauer-Mikroskopie. Symposium: 3R in the retina. Annual conference of German Ophthalmology Society (DOG), Sep. 2023, Berlin.
  • Miura Y. Chorioretinitis on High-Res OCT. JVRS Symposium. EURETINA Congress, Oct 2023, Amsterdam, Netherland.
  • Miura Y. Path to basic research abroad. Symposium Woman in Japan Retina, Annual conference of Japanese Vitreoretina Society (JVRS), Nov. 2023, Yokohama, Japan.
  • Miura Y. Fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscopy (FLIO). Conerence of Asia Pacific Vitreoretina Society (APVRS), Dec. 2023, Hongkong.


  • Miura Y, Kohlfaerber T, Kubota N, Ahrens M, Pieper M, König P, Hüttmann G, Schulz-Hildebrandt H. Dynamic OCT with retinal pigment epithelium-choroid tissue ex-vivo.
    ARVO Annual Meeting, May 2022, Denver.
  • Miura Y, Enzian P, Kempska J, Shima K, Kubota N, Sonntag S, Rupp J, Grisanti S, Brinkmann R. Analyse des zellulären Stoffwechsels von ARPE-19-Zellen mittels Fluoreszenzlebensdauer-Mikroskopie. 33. Jahrestagung der Retinologischen Gesellschaft. Juli 2022, Lübeck
  • Sonntag S, Kreikenbohm M, Böhmerle G, Schulz J, Grisanti S, Miura Y. Fluoreszenzlebensdauer-Ophthalmoskopie (FLIO) der Makula von Rauchern und Nichtrauchern. 33. Jahrestagung der Retinologischen Gesellschaft. Juli 2022, Lübeck
  • Miura Y, Kreikenbohm M, Thiemann C, Bährmerle G, Schulz J, Sonntag S, Martinetz T, Grisanti S. Fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscopy of smokers and non-smokers in young adults. EURETINA Congress, Sept. 2022, Hamburg
  • Miura Y, Kohlfaerber T, Kubota N, Ahrens M, Pieper M, König P, Hüttmann G, Schulz-Hildebrandt H. Dynamic OCT with retinal pigment epithelium-choroid tissue ex-vivo.
    i2Eye 2022 Meeting (online), Oct. 2022, Paris (Hybrid)


  • Sonntag S, Seifert E, Hamann M, Lewke B, Theisen-Kunde D, Grisanti S, Brinkmann R, Miura Y. Auswirkung einer Laserinduzierten Netzhautschädigung auf die Fluoreszenzlebensdauer des Kaninchen-Fundus. DOG Kongress. Sep-Okt 2021, online


  • Sonntag S, Seifert E, Lewke B, Theisen-Kunde D, Brinkmann R, Grisanti S, Miura Y. Fluoreszenzlebensdauer-Ophthalmoskopie nach Bestrahlung mit Mikrosekunden-Laserpulsen. DOG. Sep 2019, Berlin.
  • Miura Y. „Basics and therapeutic mechanisms of retinal laser treatment“ (japanisch). Im Ramen vom Symposium “Retinal Laser Treatment in new era”. 73. Annual congress of Japan Clinical Ophthalmology, Sep 2019, Kyoto, Japan.
  • Miura Y, Sonntag S, Lewke B, Ishizuka T, Förster R, Seifert E, Brinkmann R, Grisanti S. Fluoreszenzlebensdauer Ophthalmoskopie(FLIO) -Lernen aus Ex-vivo- und In-vivo-Modellen für eine nichtinvasiveStoffwechselanalyse der netzhaut. 32. Jahretagung der retinologischen Gesellschaft. jun 2019, Ludwigshafen am Rhein
  • Miura Y, Draxinger W, Grill C, Pfeiffer T, Grisanti S, Huber R. MHz-OCT for low latency virtual reality guided surgury: First wet lab experiments on ex-vivo porcine eye (englisch). European Conference of Biomedical Optics (ECBO). Jun 2019, München
  • Sonntag S, Seifert, Lewke B, Theisen-Kunde D, Brinkmann R, Grisanti S, Miura Y. Fluoreszenzlebensdauer des kanninchen-Fundus nach in Vivo Bestrahlung mittels Mikrosekunden-Laserpulsen. 69. Tagung der VNDA (Vereinigung Norddeutscher Augenärzte), Jun 2019, Rostock
  • Miura Y. Toward matabolic diagnosis by non-invasive measurement of fluorescence lifetime of retina (englisch). 2019 AFSOR Biophysics program review. May 2019, Arlington, USA
  • Miura Y, Kern K, Brinkmann R. influence of the inhibition of VEGF receptor 2 on the responses of cultured RPE cells to the laser-induced sublethal hyperthermia (japanese). workshop of Japanese Society of Minimally Laser Treatment of Retina. apr 2019, Tokyo, Japan
  • Lewke B, Ishizuka T, Miura Y. Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Ophthalmoscopy in mouse models of age-related macula degeneration (englisch). Studierendentagung Universität zu Lübeck. Mär 2019, Lübeck


  • Miura Y, Basic of minimally-invasive retinal laser treatment - principle of mechanism of action and cellular response (Japanese), The 1st conference of Japan Minimally Invasive Retinal Laser Treatment, Dezember 2018, Kyoto
  • Miura Y, Kern K, Brinkmann R. Influence of the inhibition of VEGF receptor 2 on the responses of cultured RPE cells to the laser-induced sublethal hyperthermia. LIGHT2018, Oct 2018, Chicago.  
  • Miura Y, Hutfilz A, Sonntag S, Lewke B, Grisanti S, Brinkmann R. Änderung der Autofluoreszenzlebensdauer von ex-vivo RPE während der Wundheilung nach Laserbestrahlung. DOG. Sep 2018, Bonn.   
  • Miura Y. Selektive Retina Therapie (SRT) -klinische Ergebnisse. Lübecker Augenärztliche Fortbildung. Jun 2018, Travemünde, Lübeck.
  • Miura Y. evaluation of mitochondrial function of the retinal tissues with FLIO FLIM2018, June 2018,Berlin
  • Sonntag S., Hutfilz A, Lewke B, Grisanti S, Brinkmann R, Miura Y. Autofluoreszenzlebensdauer von ex-  vivo RPE während der Wundheilung nach Laserbestrahlung.68th Annual conference of  Vereinigung   Norddeutscher Augenärzte -VNDA- June 2018, Braunschweig.
  • Miura Y, Lewke B, Wenig D, Grisanti S, Brinkmann R. „Change in fluorescence lifetime of retinal      pigment epithelium under oxidative stress” (japanese) Japanese Ophthalmology Congress. April 2018, Osaka, Japan.
  • Inagaki K, Schmarbeck B, Bliedtner K, Hutfilz A, Ohkoshi K, Brinkmann R, Miura Y.Comparison of damage area size between continuous wave laser and micropulse laser using ex-vivo RPE. [Japanisch] Japanese Ophthalmology Congress. April 2018, Osaka, Japan.
  • Miura Y. Fluorescence lifetime imaging  of the ocular fundus tissues. 3D Lab-Exchange Program. Mar. 2018, Bonn.


  • Miura Y. Fluorescence lifetime of retinal pigment epithelium. RRM (Retina Research Meeting) 2017. Dec.2017, Tokyo Japan.
  • Miura Y, Lewke B, Blimke N, Wenig D, Kern K, Grisanti S, Brinkmann R. Alteration of the fluorescence lifetime of the retinal pigment epithelium under oxidative stress. Annual conference of German Ophthalmology Society (DOG). Sep 2017, Berlin.
  • Miura Y, Kern K, Beier S, Brinkmann R. Role of HSP70 and TRPV1 in cell survival and functions of RPE cells following thermal irradiations with different temperature increases. LIGHT 2017 (3rd Conference of International Retinal Laser Society). Sep 2017, Barcelona, Spain
  • Miura Y, Lewke B, Blimke N, Kern K, Grisanti S, Brinkmann R. Fluoreszenzlebensdauer -Ophthalmoskopie (FLIO) des ex-vivo retinalen Pigmentepithels unter oxidativem Stress. 67th Annual conference of Vereinigung Norddeutscher Augenärzte -VNDA- June 2017 Westerland, Germany
  • Miura Y, Blimke N, Lewke B, Kern K, Pruessner J, Weng D, Huettmann G, Brinkmann R. Monitoring of wound healing of ex-vivo retinal pigment epithelium with fluorescence lifetime imaging Ophthalmoscopy (FLIO). Japanese Ophthalmology Congress. April 2017, Tokyo, Japan


  • Miura Y. FLIM in retinal cell pathology. Conference on ADFLIM (Advanced Fluorescence Imaging Methods) Oct 2016, Dagomys - Sochi, Russi.
  • Miura Y. Investigation of ex-vivo retina with fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscopy (FLIO). FLIM 2016, Jun 2016, Prague.
  • Blimke N, Prussner J, Schneider C, Wenig D, Grisanti S, Brinkmann R, Miura Y. Ex-vivo investigations of metabolic changes of retinal pigment epithelium cells using Fluorescence lifetimeimaging ophthalmoscopy (FLIO). 29th Annual conference of the German Retina Society. June 2016, Berlin.4. Miura Y. Cellular effect of thermal stimulation. Special interest group (SIG) Meeting an der ARVO Kongress, May 2016, Seattle.
  • Miura Y. Retinal thermotherapy -functional manipulation of retinal cells through non-lethal thermal laser irradiation (Japanisch). Guest speaker in the seminar of Japanese association of scientists in Singapore (JASS). March 2016, Singapur.


  • Miura Y, Brinkmann R. Cell response determinants in laser-induced thermal impacts. Combined Biophysics and Human Performance review. 5. Nov 2015, San Antonio, USA.
  • Miura Y, Adler S, Beck E, Kern K, Blimke N, Pruessner J, Huettmann G, Roy S, Brinkmann R. Monitoring of high glucose-induced cell metabolic changes of retinal microvascular endothelial cells using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy. Annual conference of German Ophthalmology Society (DOG). Oct 2015, Berlin.
  • Kern K, Pruessner J, Weng D, Brinkmann R, Miura Y. Einfluss subletaler Hyperthermie auf die intra-/extrazelluläre Proteostase von RPE-Zellen. Annual conference of German Ophthalmology Society (DOG). Oct 2015, Berlin.
  • Miura Y, Kern K, Pruessner J, Weng D, Adler S, Brinkmann R. Anti-oxidant and anti-angiogenic potentials of laser-induced sublethal hyperthermia on retinal pigment epithelial cells. European Conference of Biomedical Optics (ECBO). June 2015, München.


  • Miura Y. Fluorescnece lifetime imaging of retinal microvascular enfothelial cells under high glucose conditions [Japanisch].Jahrestagung der japanischen vitreoretinalen Gesellschaft. Nov 2014, Osaka, Japan.
  • Miura Y. Cellular effects of retinal laser irradiation. Annual conference of German Ophthalmology Society (DOG). Symposium "Koagulation heute". Sep 2014, Leipzig.
  • Miura Y, Huettmann G, Szaszak M, Koop N, Brinkmann R. Two-Photon Microscopy and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium and the Photoreceptor Outer Segments under Lipid Peroxidation. World Ophthalmology Congress 2014. Apr. 2014, Tokyo, Japan
  • Miura Y. Two-Photon Microscopy and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium under oxidative stress. Ophthalmology-2014. Jul 2014, Baltimore, USA


  • Miura Y. Two-photon microscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy [Japanese]. Seminar talk at Eye clinic in the Osaka City University. Dez. 2013. Osaka, Japan
  • Miura Y. Oxidative stress and retinal diseases. Oberseminar at the Institute of Biomedical Optics, Universität zu Lübeck. Nov. 2013
  • Miura Y, Fritz I, Grisanti S, Rudolf M. Effect of Apolipoprotein A1 (Apo A1)-Mimetic Peptides on Cultured RPE Cells. Annual Conference of the German Retina Society. Sep. 2013, Hamburg.
  • Miura Y, Mohi A, Aherrahrou Z,Grisanti S, Rudolf M. Die orale Verabreichung von Apolipoprotein A1-mimetisches Peptid D-4F reduziert die Akkumulation von Neutrallipiden in der Bruchmembran von Mäusen. 63. Tagung der Vereinigung Norddeutscher Augenärzte. Jun.2013, Westerland. 
  • Miura Y, Fritz I, Grisanti S, Rudolf M. Effekt von Apolipoprotein A1-mimetischen Peptiden auf kultivierte RPE-Zellen. 63. Tagung der Vereinigung Norddeutscher Augenärzte. Jun.2013. Westerland.
  • Miura Y. New concepts for AMD treatment. Oberseminar at the Institute of Biomedical Optics, Universität zu Lübeck. Jan. 2013.


  • Miura Y, Huettmann G, Steven P, Szaszak M, Brinkmann R. Two-photon excited autofluorescence in retinal pigment epithelial cells and photoreceptor outer segments induced by lipid peroxidation. World Ophthalmology Congress 2012. Feb 2012, Abu Dhabi. 2011
  • Miura Y. Two photon microscopy and FLIM of chorioretinal tissues. Oberseminor of the Institute of Biomedical Optics, Universität zu Lübeck. Nov 2011, Lübeck.


  • Miura Y, Orzekowsky-Scgrieder R, Koop N, Steven P, Szaszak M, Huettmann G, Kohno T, Shiraki K, Brinkmann R. Autofluorescence in RPE cells around photocoagulation spots. [Japanese]. Annual conference of Japanese vitreoretinal society. Nov 2010, Osaka, Japan.
  • Miura Y, Orzekowsky R, Koop N, Steven N, Szaszak M, Huettmann G, Brinkmann R. Appearance of autofluorescence in RPE cells around photocoagulation spots. FLIM symposium. "Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging of the Human Retina". Sep 2010, Ilmenau.
  • Miura Y, Treumer F, Klettner A, Hillenkamp J, Brinkmann R, Birngruber R, Roider J. VEGF and PEDF secretions over time following various laser irradiations on an RPE organ culture. World Ophthalmology Congress 2010. June 2010, Berlin. 2009.
  • Miura Y. Investigations on RPE cell/organ cultures. Oberseminor of the Institute of Biomedical Optics, Universität zu Lübeck. Dec 2009, Lübeck.
  • Miura Y, Treumer F, Klettner A, Hillenkamp J, Brinkmann R, Birngruber R, Roider J. Laser power-dependent expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) by porcine RPE after photocoagulation. Annual conference of German Ophthalmology Society (DOG). Sep 2009, Berlin.
  • Miura Y. Auswirkungen verschiedener Anti-VEGF-Medikamente auf das RPE am Beispiel eines experimentellen RPE-Modells. Annual conference of German Ophthalmology Society (DOG). Symposium "Pathogenese und Therapie von subretinalen und retinalen Neovaskularisationen: vom Molekül zur klinischen Manifestation" Sep 2009, Berlin. 2008
  • Miura Y, Roider J. Triamcinolone acetonide protects RPE tight junctions from oxidative stress. Annual conference of German Ophthalmology Society (DOG). Sep 2008, Berlin.

Poster presentations


  • Sonntag SR, Shabanibozorg M, Rauenbusch K, Prasuhn M, Brüggemann N, Grisanti S, Martinetz T, Miura Y. Künstliche Intelligenz in der Fluoreszenzlebensdauer Ophthalmoskopie ( FLIO) bei idiopathischer Parkinsonerkrankung. Annual conference of German Ophthalmology Society (DOG), Oct. 2024, Berlin.
  • Janiskeviciute I, Hirose M, Tohme J, Enzian P, Miura Y. Einfl uss von nichtsteroidalen Antirheumatika und Taurin auf den Energiestoff wechsel der retinalen Pigmentepithelzellen in vitro. Annual conference of German Ophthalmology Society (DOG), Oct. 2024, Berlin.
  • Kreyßig A, Charsooghi M, Ares I, Hamann M, Tode J, Seifert E, Brinkmann R, Grisanti S, Miura Y. Multimodale Bildgebung der Titrationslaserspots bei der Mikrosekundenpulse-Lasertherapie der Netzhaut. Annual conference of German Ophthalmology Society (DOG), Oct. 2024, Berlin.
  • Bozzini G, Grisanti S, Miura Y, Sonntag SR. Einsatz der Fluoreszenzlebensdauer-Ophthalmoskopie ( FLIO) als neues Diagnoseinstrument bei der nicht-arteriitischen anterioren ischämischen Optikusneuropathie – ein Ausblick. Annual conference of German Ophthalmology Society (DOG), Oct. 2024, Berlin.
  • Rauenbusch K, Sonntag SR, Prasuhn J, Grisanti S, Brüggemann N, Miura Y. Vergleich der Fluoreszenzlebensdauer der Netzhaut zwischen Patienten mit idiopathischer Parkinson Krankheit und gesunden Probanden. Annual conference of German Ophthalmology Society (DOG), Oct. 2024, Berlin.
  • Tode J, Ares I, Charsooghi M, Binter M, Lindziute M, Brinkmann R, ramme C, Miura Y, Hamann M. Korrelation objektiver Funktionsparameter mit Drusen bei Patienten mit intermediärer altersabhängiger Makuladegeneration. . Annual conference of German Ophthalmology Society (DOG), Oct. 2024, Berlin.
  • Tohme J, Enzian P, Brinkmann R, Miura Y. Effect of sublethal thermal laser irradiation on barrier function of retinal pigment epithelial cells undernormal and reduced concentrations. ARVO annual meeting, May 2024, Seattle, USA.
  • Miura Y, Rauenbusch K, Prasuhn J, Brüggemann N, Grisanti S, Sonntag SR. Comparison of retinal fluorescence lifetime between patients with Parkinson’s disease and healthy subjects. ARVO annual meeeting, May 2024, Seattle, USA.
  • Mandai M, Kajita K, Nishida M, Kurimoto Y, Yokota S, Sugita S, Ozaki A, Miura Y, Takahashi M. Graft cell expansion from hiPSC-RPE strip after transplantation in primate eyes with or without RPE damage. ARVO annual meeting, May 2024, Seatlle, USA.
  • Ares I, Hamann M, Charsooghi M, Binter M, Lindziute M, Brinkmann R, Framme C, Miura Y, Tode J. Dynamics of Drusen in the ETDRS Grid: A Comprehensive Three-Month Analysis of Movement and Morphology of Drusen in Patients with Intermediate Age-Related Macular Degeneration (iAMD). ARVO annual meeting, May 2024, Seatlle, USA.
  • Hamann M, Ares I, Charsooghi M, Binter M, Lindziute M, Brinkmann R, Framme C, Miura Y, Tode J. Unveiling Visual Acuity Sensitivity: A Comparative Analysis of OCT Morphology and Visual Acuity Tests in Intermediate Age-Related Macular Degeneration. ARVO annual meeting, May 2024, Seatlle, USA.
  • Tode J, Ares I, Charsooghi M, Binter M, Lindziute M, Brinkmann R, Framme C, Miura Y, Tode J. Correlation of Objective Visual Function Measurements with Drusen in Patients with Intermediate Age-Related Macular Degeneration. ARVO annual meeting, May 2024, Seatlle, USA.


  • Yamamoto M, Miura Y, Hirayama K, Kyo A, Kohno T, Theisen-Kunde D, Brinkmann R, Honda S. Comparative treatment study on macular edema secondary to branch retinal vein occlusion by intravitreal ranibizumab with and without selective retina therapy (SRT). ARVO annual meeting, Apr 2023, New Orleans, USA. (Abstract: Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2023; 64(8):3665)
  • Brinkmann R, Hutfilz A, Mordmüller M, Kren C, Danicke V, von der Buchard C, Theisen-Kunde D, Miura Y. Temperature based dosing control with different retinal laser systems. ARVO annual meeting, Apr 2023, New Orleans, USA. (Abstract: Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2023; 64(8):3706.)
  • Tode J, Miura Y, Brinkmann R, von der Burchard C. Retina Regenerative Laser and Light Therapies (RELITE):- A New Nomenclature and Trial Reporting Standard Proposal - ARVO annual meeting, Apr 2023, New Orleans, USA (Abstract: Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2023; 64(8):1797)
  • Kempska J, Enzian P, Shima K, Sonntag S, Rupp J, Griansti S, Brinkmann R, Miura Y. Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy to assess energy metabolism of cultured retinal pigment epithelial cells under serum deprivation. ARVO annual meeting, Apr 2023, New Orleans, USA. (Abstract: Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2023; 64(8):2091)
  • Miura Y, Thiemann C, Sonntag SR, Kreikenbohm M, Böhrmerle G, Stagge J, Martinetz T, Grisanti S. Artificial intelligence to differentiate smoker and non-smoker using fluorescence lifetime of ocular fundus. ARVO annual meeting, Arp 2023, new Orleans, USA. (Abstract: Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2023; 64(8):248.)


  • Sonntag S, Schlunk S, Kempska J, Grisanti S, Miura Y. Changes in fluorescence lifetime of the fundus after intravitreal ranibizumab injection in patients with exudative age-related macular degeneration. ARVO annual meeting, May 2022, Demver, USA. (Hybrid)
  • Kubota N, Kempska J, Shima K, Förster R, Enzian P, Sonntag S, Grisanti S, Brinkmann R, Miura Y. Fluorescence lifetime of ex-vivo retinal pigment epithelium in the state of enhanced mitochondrial uncoupling. ARVO annual meeting, May 2022, Denver, USA. (Hybrid)
  • Brinkmann R, Zhang Xi, Hoffmann L, Seifert E, Mordmüller M, Theisen-Kunde D, Suzuki M, Miura Y. Time-resolved 2D-temperature monitoring on RPE explants during laser irradiation by means of a fluorescent dye. ARVO annual meeting, May 2022, Denver, USA. (Hybrid)
  • Hutfilz A, Kren C, Schmidt C, Theisen-Kunde D, Mordmüller M, Miura Y, Brinkmann R. Comparison between continuous wave and 10 kHz pulsed laser irradiation with
    regard to thermal damage on ex-vivo explants of retinal pigment epithelium. ARVO annual meeting, May 2022, Denver, USA. (Hybrid)


  • Miura Y, Förster R, Ishizuka T, Shima K, Lewke B, Sonntag S, Rupp J, Brinkmann R, Grisanti S. Korrelation zwischen Energiestoffwechsel und Fluoreszenzlebensdauer des retinalen Pigmentepithels es-vivo. April 2021, Makula Update, Online.
  • Svenja S, Seifert E, Hamann M, Lewke B, Theisen-Kunde D, Grisanti S, Brinkmann R, Miura Y. Fluoreszenzlebensdauer-Ophthalmoskopie (FLIO) zur sensiblen Evaluation der retinalen Lasertherapie – neue Erkenntnisse einer in vivo-Kaninchenstudie. April 2021, Makula Update, online.
  • Foerster R, Ishizuka T, Shima K, Lewke B, Sonntag S, Grisanti S, Brinkmann R, Miura Y. Autophagy inhibition-induced alterataions of energy metabolism and fluorescence lifetime of the retinal pigment epithelium ex viv. ARVO Meeting. May 2021, online.
  • Sonntag S, Seifert E, Hamann M, Lewke B, Theisen-Kunde D, Brinkmann R, Grisanti S, Miura Y. Impact of laser induced damage on the fluorescence lifetimes of rabbit fundus. ARVO Meeting. May 2021, online.
  • Schmidt K, Kern K, Miura Y. Effect of increased vascular endothelial growth factor on fluorescence lifetime of human retinal microvascular endothelial cells in vitro. ARVO Meeting. May 2021, online.
  • Miura Y, Lewke B, Ishizuka T, Sonntag SR, Seifert E, Grisanti S, Brinkmann R. Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Ophthalmoscopy of mouse models of age-related macular degeneration. ARVO Meeting. May 2021, online.
  • Brinkmann R, Mordmüller M, Kren C, Danicke V, Almaschharawi A, Theisen-Kunde D, Miura Y, von der Burchard K, Abbas HS. Closed-loop Temperature Control for Retinal Laser Therapies. ARVO Meeting. May 2021, online.


  • Lewke B, Ishizuka T, Sonntag S, Grisanti S, Brinkmann R, Miura Y. Fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscopy in mouse models of age-related macular degeneration. EURETINA, Sep 2019, Paris.
  • Miura Y, Sonntag S, Seifert E, Lewke B, Grisanti S, Brinkmann R. Fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscopy on rabbits in vivo after irradiation with single laser pulses in the 5-50 μs time regime. EURETINA, Sep 2019, Paris.
  • Pfäffle C, Hillmann D, Spahr H, Kutzner L, Burhan S, Hilge F, Miura Y, Hüttmann G. Functional imaging of retinal neurons using OCT. Annual meeting of Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). Mai 2019, Vancouver, Canada
  • Hirayama K, Yamamoto M, Kohno T, Theisen-Kunde D, Brinkmann R, Miura Y, Honda S. Selective retina therapy for macular serous retinal detachment associated with tilted disc syndrome. Annual meeting of Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). Mai 2019, Vancouver, Canada
  • Sonntag SR, Hutfilz A, Lewke B, Theisen-Kunde D, Brinkmann R, Grisanti S, Miura Y. Extensive impact of selective retina treatment on RPE metabolism: insights from fluorescence lifetime measurement. Annual meeting of Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). Mai 2019, Vancouver, Canada
  • Miura Y, Kern K, Brinkmann R. Sublethal hyperthermia on retinal pigment epithelium - possible role of heat shock protein 70 and influence of the inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor-mediated signaling. Annual meeting of Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). April 2019, Vancouver, Canada
  • Brinkmann R, Seifert E, Kleingarn F, Sonntag S, Theisen-Kunde D, Miura Y. Origin of RPE damage and related thresholds for laser exposure in the µs time domain. Annual meeting of Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). April 2019, Vancouver, Canada


  • Hirayama K, Yamamoto M, Takeya K, Theisen-Kunde D, Miura Y, Brinkmann R, Honda S Choroidal thickness after selective retina therapy for prolonged central serous chorioretionpaty (Japanese), The 72nd Annual Congress of Japan Clinical Ophthalmology, Oct. 2018, Tokio, Japan
  •  Miura Y, Hutfilz A, Sonntag S, Lewke B, Grisanti S, Brinkmann R Change of RPE’s autofluorescence lifetime during wound healing after laser irradiation, EURETINA, Sep.2018, Wien 3.
  • Hirayama K, Yamamoto M, Kohno T, Theisen-Kunde D, Miura Y, Brinkmann R, Shiraki K Predictive factors of selective retina therapy for diabetic macular edema, ARVO Meeting , May 2018, Honululu, USA
  • Honda S, Yamamoto M, Kohno T, Hirayama K, Kyo A, Theisen-Kunde D, Miura Y, Brinkmann R, Shiraki Electroretinopgraphy after long-term follow-up of selective retina therapy for macular edema, ARVO Meeting, , Honululu, USA, May 2018
  • Brinkmann R, Inagaki K, Schmarbeck B, Hutfilz A, Bliedtner K, Ohkoshi K, Miura Y Comparison and analysis of micropulse laser and continuous wave laser application on retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) ex vivo, ARVO Meeting, May 2018, Honolulu, USA
  • Miura Y, Hutfiilz A, Lewke B, Sonntag S, Coelius C, Grisanti S, Brinkmann R. Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Ophthalmoscopy of ex-vivo retinal pigment epithelium after selective laser irradiation. ARVO Meeting. May 2018, Honolulu USA.
  • Kern K, Schaefer R, Mertineit C, Brinkmann R, Miura Y. Influence of thermal laser irradiation on cell proliferation and wound healing in primary RPE cell cultures. ARVO annual meeting. May 2018, Honolulu USA:


  • Miura Y, Blimke N, Kern K, Weng D, Pruessner J, Huettmann G, Brinkmann R. Fluorescence lifetime measurements during laser-induced wound healing of retinal pigment epithelial cells. ARVO Meeting. May 2017. Baltimore, USA.
  • Kern K, Beier S, Brinkmann R, Miura Y. Influence of the TRPV-1 channel and HSP70 on RPE cell survival after transient temperature rise. ARVO Meeting. May 2017. Baltimore, USA. 2016


  • Miura Y, Blimke N, Pruessner J, Baade A, Brinkmann R. Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Ophthalmoscopy (FLIO) for the detection of thermal laser-induced tissue metabolic changes. Annual Conference of German Ophthalmology Society (DOG). Sep 2016, Berlin.
  • Kern K, Matrineit CL, Beier S, Pruessner J, Brinkmann R, Miura Y. Die Rolle von HSP70 bei Hyperthermie des retinalen Pigmentepithels - Implikationen für die thermische Stimulation der Retina (TS-R) -. Annual Conference of German Ophthalmology Society (DOG). Sep 2016, Berlin.
  • Blimke N, Pruessner J, Alt L, Huettmann G, Brinkmann R, Miura Y. Ex-vivo assessment of metabolic alterations of retinal pigment epithelial cells using Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Ophthalmoscopy (FLIO). ARVO Meeting. May 2016. 253-B0259. Seattle, USA.
  • Pruessner J, Blimke N, Alt L, Huettmann G, Brinkmann R, Miura Y. Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Ophthalmoscopy of in-vitro retinal pigment epithelial cells under different glucose conditions. ARVO Meeting. May 2016. 266-B0272. Seattle, USA.
  • Miura Y, Kern K, Pruessner J, Brinkmann R. Subcellular calcium dynamics during transient sublethal hyperthermia and subsequent protein expressions in retinal pigment epithelial cells. ARVO Meeting. May 2016. 5849-C0085. Seattle, USA.
  • Ranjbar M, Brinkmann MP, Zapf D, Miura Y, Rudolf M, Grisanti S. Fc receptor inhibition reduces susceptibility to oxidative stress in human RPE cells treated with bevacizumab, but not aflibercept. ARVO Meeting. May 2016. 3357-D0160. Seattle, USA.
  • Okada R, Yamamot M, Hirayama K, Yasui A, Kohno T, Theisen-Kunde D, Miura Y, Brinkman R, Shiraki K. Fundus Autofluorescence at Test Irradiation Spots after Selective Retina Therapy for Central Serous Chorioretinopathy. ARVO Meeting. May 2016. 5345-B0016. Seattle, USA.


  • Miura Y, Beck E, Huttmann G, Roy S, Brinkmann R. Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy on retinal microvascular endothelial cells under high glucose conditions. ARVO Meeting. May 2015. E-abstract 5943 - A0114. Denver, USA.
  • Brinkmann R, Koinzer S, Baade A, Schwarzer B, Schlott K, Miura Y, Roider Y. Automatically Power Controlled Retinal Photocoagulation. ARVO Meeting. May, 2015. E-abstract 5666 - C0053. Denver, USA. 2014
  • Brinkmann MP, Miura Y, Rudolf M, Grisanti S, Ranjbar M. Pharmacodynamics of VEGF antagonists in human RPE in vitro. ARVO Meeting. April 30, 2014;55:E-abstract 1945. Orlando USA. 2013
  • Rudolf M, Mohi A, Aherrahrou Z, Grisanti S, Miura Y. Oral administration of Apolipoprotein A-I mimetic peptide D-4F reduces lipid accumulation in murine Bruch's membrane (BrM). ARVO Meeting. May, ;54:E-abstract 1714. Seattle, USA.



  • Yasui A, Yamamoto M, Kohno T, Yoneda T, Yoshida Y, Iwami H, Theisen-Kunde D, Miura Y, Brinkmann R, Shiraki K. Focal Retinal Sensitivity Before and After Selective Retina Therapy for Central Serous Chorioretinopathy. ARVO Meeting. May, 2013; 54:E-abstract 4130. Seattle, USA.
  • Miura Y, Fritz I, Grisanti S, Rudolf M. Effect of Apolipoprotein A1-mimetic peptides on cell viability of cultured retinal pigment epithelial cells. ARVO Meeting. May, 2013; 54:E-abstract 3296. Seattle, USA.
  • Yamamoto M, Kohno T, Yoneda T, Yoshida Y, Iwami H, Yasui A, Theisen-Kunde D, Miura Y, Brinkmann R, Shiraki K. Six-month Report of Selective Retina Therapy on Central Serous Chorioretinopathy in Japanese Patients. ARVO Meeting. May, 2013; 54:E-abstract 4134. Seattle, USA.


  • Brinkmannb R, Iwami H, Pruessner J, Danicke V, Miura Y. Temperature-dependent response of retinal pigment epithelial cells to laser irradiation. ARVO Meeting. May, 2013;54:E-abstract 1809. Fort Lauderdale, USA. 2012
  • Iwami H, Ptaszynski L, Danicke V, Brinkmann R, Miura Y. Sublethal Hyperthermia-induced Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Secretion And Its Contribution To Adoptive Response Of Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cell. ARVO Meeting. March, 2012;53:E-abstract 4782. Fort Lauderdale, USA.
  • Yoshimoto K, Yamamoto M, Kohno T, Yoneda T, Yoshida Y, Fritz A, Theisen-Kunde D, Miura Y, Brinkmann R., Shiraki K. Detection Of Sub-threshold Laser Irradiation Spots With Various Fundus Imaging Methods And Its Correlation With Irradiation Energy And Optoacoustic Values In Selective Retina Therapy. ARVO Meeting. March, 2012; 53:E-abstract 5198. Fort Lauderdale, USA.
  • Yamamoto M, Kohno T, Yoshida Y, Yoneda T, Iwami H, Fritz A, Theisen-Kunde D, Miura Y, Brinkmann R., Shiraki K. Selective Retina Therapy for Patients with Central Serous Chorioretinopathy in Japan. ARVO Meeting. March, 2012;53:E-abstract 5222. Fort Lauderdale, USA.



  • Miura Y, Huettmann G, Szaszak M, Orzekowsky-Schroeder R, Koop N, Steven P, Brinkmann R. Two-photon Microscopy and Fluorescence Lifetime Analysis of Lipid Peroxidation Product in Photoreceptor Outer Segment and in Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cell. ARVO Meeting. March, 2012;53:E-abstract 1130. Fort Lauderdale, USA. 2011
  • Brinkmann R, Schlott K, Koinzer S, Bever M, Baade A, Ptaszynski L, Miura Y, Roider J, Birngruber R. Temperature Controlled Retinal Photocoagulation In Vivo. ARVO Meeting. April, 2011;52:E-abstract 547. Fort Lauderdale, USA.
  • Koinzer SO, Bever M, Schlott K, Ptaszynski L, Baade A, Ludt S, Miura Y, Birngruber R, Brinkmann R, Roider J. Real Time Temperature Measurement During Laser Photocoagulation Of Human Retina. ARVO Meeting. April, 2011;52:E-abstract 551. Fort Lauderdale, USA.


  • Miura Y, Huttmann G, Orzekowsky-Schroeder R, Steven P, Szaszak M, Koop N, Birngruber R, Brinkmann R. Investigations of Two-photon Excited Bright Autofluorescent Granules in the RPE Cells Around Photocoagulation Spots. ARVO Meeting. April, 2011;52:E-abstract 926. Fort Lauderdale, USA. 2010



  • Miura Y, Treumer F, Klettner A, Hillenkamp J, Brinkmann R, Birngruber R, Roider J. Vegf and Pedf Secretions Over Time Following Various Laser Irradiations on an Rpe Organ Culture. ARVO Meeting. April, 2010;51:E-abstract 469. Fort Lauderdale, USA. 2009
  • Treumer F, Miura Y, Klettner A, Brinkmann R, Birngruber R, Roider J, Hillenkamp J. The Effect of Selective Retina Therapy (SRT) on the Expression of Matrixmetalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) by Cultivated Porcine RPE-choroid Explants. ARVO Meeting. April, 2009;50:E-abstract 3411. Fort Lauderdale, USA.
  • Miura Y, Treumer F, Klettner A, Hillenkamp J, Brinkmann R, Birngruber R, Roider J. Laser Power-Dependent Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) by Porcine RPE After Photocoagulation. ARVO Meeting. April, 2009;50: E-abstract 201. Fort Lauderdale, USA.


  • Miura Y, Klettner A, Roider J. Bevacizumab (Avastin) and Ranibizumab (Lucentis) Enhance the Permeability of Cultured Retinal Pigment Epithelium, but Not in the Presence of Triamcinolone Acetonide. ARVO Meeting