Research topics

As the former CEO of the Medical Laser Center Lübeck GmbH (MLL) and the director of the Institute of Biomedical Optics (BMO) of the University of Lübeck I still provide my expertise in the areas of Laser Medicine and Biophotonics, and my international contacts to BMO, MLL and other academic institutions and the industry. Currently I am involved in projects of photo-thermal and photo-ablative tissue effects, of structural and functional tissue diagnostics and of therapy control and be the PI of a research project on new modalities in reefractive surgery.

I am a member of the Affiliated Faculty of the Wellman Center for Photomedicine (WCP) and the Cutaneous Biology Research Center (CBRC) of the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Harvard Medical School (HMS) in Boston and maintain good contacts to research laboratories of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, USA.

My contacts in the area of biomedical laser applications with research institutions in Boston and Cambridge already led to various joint projects resulting in Master-, PhD- or M. D.-degrees at the University of Lübeck in the past.

It is my duty to supervise academically those projects of mutual agreement. Highly qualified students of the MIW-,CLS-, MLS-, informatics- and medicine-programs may get in contact with me to discuss specifics of such projects. Timely information is required because typically at least six months are necessary to arrange a decent and sound project in the US, scientifically as well as administratively.