German-Chinese Cooperation in Laser Nano-Medinice

The German Research Foundation (DFG) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) support a three-years mobility project with 183.000 Euro.

Based on a long-standing collaboration existing already for 15 years, Prof. Alfred Vogel from Institute of Biomedical Optics at the University of Luebeck and Prof. Zhenxi Zhang from the School of Life Science and Technology at Xiàn Jiaotong University successfully applied for a grant that will support the scientific exchange between both institutes and facilitate applications for future joint scientific projects. The mobility project involves four teams (two at each institute) consisting of physicists, biologists, and engineers. At BMO, the teams include Dr. Xiao-Xuan Liang, Dr Norbert Linz, Dipl.Ing. Sebastian Freidank, Paula Enzian (M.Sc.), PD Dr. Ramtin Rahmanzadeh, and the project leader Prof. Alfred Vogel.